Preparing my home
Spruce up the outside
The term 'curb appeal' is real! You've heard the old expression, you never get a second chance to make a first impression. Clean up 'eye sores', clean the gutters, repair or remove unsightly fencing, trim over-grown trees and shrubs, weed and mulch the beds and add a few flowers if the season permits.
What door are they coming in
Make the entrance into your home inviting. Does the door need painting? Add a new door mat for a clean look.
Remove clutter throughout your entire home. This also means the basement, attic and garage. Rent a storage unit if need be. Potential buyers want to imagine their belongings in the home, not whisper about the clutter.
Organize the pantry and closets
Let your potential buyer visualize how your home storage space can suit their needs. Messy closets translate into lack of space.
Is a bedroom lime green or dark purple? Room color can turn off a buyer. We know it's only paint, but you'd be surprised how many buyers don't want a house they have to immediately work on before moving in. If you can, tone down vibrant colors to more neutral hues. We love antique white!
Clean and deodorize
Clean from top-to-bottom and eliminate bad odors. It's that simple.
Let's talk more. When we preview your home, our professional agents will advise you in more detail. You're in good hands, we do this every day.
Selling is easy as 1, 2, 3!
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